Friday, September 4, 2009

Editing WSF movie "The Butcher"

So tonight Tyler (Producer/Director) and I decided, what the hell, lets edit this whole damn video. And we did. It felt great. And now I am home and its after 2 and I am blogging :)

Everything went well! I couldn't have really done anything differently on this project... with exception of a few more lights (a whole new kit would have been amazing...).

Here are some screen grabs... Tyler is gonna kill me...

The videos will be played throughout the band's show on September 10th at Midwest Skate Park (with Four Letter Lie) in Rochester, MN. I will be shooting at the band's next few shows and the final product will be a 45ish min film called "The Butcher" (working title) and will be submitted to many film festivals, including South By Southwest in Austin.

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